A modern DBMS has the following characteristics:
Real-world entity: A modern DBMS is more realistic and uses real-world entities to
design its architecture. It uses the behavior and attributes too. For example,
a school database may use students as an entity and their age as an attribute.
Relation-based tables: DBMS allows entities and relations among them to form tables. A
user can understand the architecture of a database just by looking at the table
Isolation of data and application: A database system is entirely different than its data. A database
is an active entity, whereas data is said to be passive, on which the database
works and organizes. DBMS also stores metadata, which is data about data, to
ease its own process.
Less redundancy: DBMS follows the rules of normalization, which splits a relation
when any of its attributes is having redundancy in values. Normalization is a
mathematically rich and scientific process that reduces data redundancy.
Consistency: Consistency is a state where every relation in a database
remains consistent. There exist methods and techniques, which can detect
attempt of leaving database in inconsistent state.
Query Language: DBMS is equipped with query language, which makes it more
efficient to retrieve and manipulate data. A user can apply as many and as
different filtering options as required to retrieve a set of data.
Traditionally it was not possible where file-processing system was used.
ACID Properties: DBMS follows the concepts of Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation,
and Durability (normally shortened as ACID). These concepts are applied on
transactions, which manipulate data in a database.
Multiuser and Concurrent Access: DBMS supports multi-user environment and allows them to access
and manipulate data in parallel. Though there are restrictions on transactions
when users attempt to handle the same data item, but users are always unaware
of them.
Multiple views: DBMS offers multiple views for different users. A user who is in
the Sales department will have a different view of database than a person
working in the Production department. This feature enables the users to have a
concentrate view of the database according to their requirements.
Security: Features like multiple views offer security to some extent where
users are unable to access data of other
users and departments. DBMS offers methods to impose constraints while entering
data into the database and retrieving the same at a later stage.