Advantages of DBMS:
Due to its centralized nature, the database system can overcome
the disadvantages of the file system-based system
Concurrent use: A database system provides
facility to access database several users concurrently. Let we understand it by
taking an example that a movie online booking system database employee of
different branches access the database in a concurrent manner. Each employee
can handle customers at their individual desk, Able to see the seats available
for the booking from the interface provided to them.
● Structured data: One of the important features of the database system is not only
to store the data and providing access to the database. But it also provides
details about the data and how to access and use it. Taking an example when you
are going for an online form of exam then details about each and every field is
given, what type of data it accepts and format details also.
● Data Independence: Another important characteristic of the DBMS is data independence
in which application through which user can interact with the user is not
dependent on the physical data storage. So, if there is any change in the
application program it will not affect the data stored in the database.
● Integrity: This characteristic of the DBMS deals with one of the basic
property of the data called integrity, in which if some data is saved in the
database and later on retrieved from the database it must be same. This also
covers restriction on the unauthorized access of the data that can make changes
in the data sets.
● Transaction of Data: A transaction is a set of actions that are done in a database to
transfer it from one consistent state to another. If it is not handled properly
it may result in inconsistent state and loss of data, so DBMS has certain
constraints to maintain the basic properties of transaction like atomicity,
integrity, isolation, and durability.
● Data Persistence: This is one of the basic characteristics of the database because
data can be retained in the database for years and it should be in the same
condition. In the banking system, a user will open his account and lifelong
maintain it, or a user has opted an LIC policy, or mediclaim policy.