File pointers :
A file pointer is a pointer that
is used to handle and keep track of the files being accessed.
The file pointer is declared as
FILE *fp. Where ‘fp’ is a file pointer. Every file maintains two pointers
called get_pointer (in input mode file) and put_pointer (in output mode file)
which tells the current position in the file where reading or writing will take
place. These pointers help to attain random access in the file. That means
moving directly to any location in the file instead of moving through it
There may be situations where
random access is the best choice. For example, if required to modify a value in
record no 21, then using random access techniques, it can place the file
pointer at the beginning of record 21 and then straight-way process the record.
If sequential access is used, then will have to unnecessarily go through the first
twenty records to reach a record of 21
In C++, random access is achieved
by manipulating seekg(), seekp(), tellg() and tellp() functions. The seekg() and
tellg() functions allow to set and
examine the get_pointer, and the seekp() and tellp() functions perform these
operations on the put_pointer.
The seekg() and tellg() functions
are used for input streams (ifstream) and seekp() and tellp() functions are used
for output streams (ofstream). However, if use them with a stream object then
tellg() and tellp() return the same value.