Modern Methods Of Prescribing - Dispensing Pharmacy ( B.pharma , D.Pharma ,M.Pharma )


Modern Methods Of Prescribing

Nowadays, the majority of the drugs are available in the market as readymade formulations manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies. There is no need to dispense the drugs by the pharmacist. In the present days, the role of pharmacist 1s to hand over the readymade preparations to the patients and provide advice if demanded regarding its mode of administration, dose schedule, drug interactions and adverse reactions etc. The practice ot writing long, complicated prescriptions containing several ingredients, adjuvants, vehicles is not required.

In the present day set up, the writing oft prescription is more significant. The prescription should be precise, accurate, clear and easily readable. As far as possible, the Latin terms should be avoided. In olden day's the Latin language was used to conceal certain tacts from the patient. But nowadays, the prescriptions are written in English language and dose is prescribed in metric system for the convenience of the patients.

The drugs should be prescribed by its official (generic) name and not by its proprietary or trade name. There are certain advantages and disadvantages of prescribing the drugs by its proprietary l names, which are as under:


Advantages Of Modern Methods Of Prescribing

(1) It is easy to remember proprietary

names because they are very

catchy e.g, Librium (chlordiazepoxide),

Calmpose (diazepam), and Crocin (paracetamol).

(2) It is easy to communicate with the


(6) The continuity can be maintained by

prescribing the same proprietary name every time.

(4) The bioavailability of drugs changed with the change of adjuvants used in drug formulations manufactured by different manufacturers.only those proprietary drugs can be prescribed which have a better bioavailability.

Disadvantages of Modern Methods Of Prescribing

(1) t is cheaper to prescribe the drugs by its official name.

(2) It becomes difficult for a pharmacist to dispense the substitute the drug which is available in the stock.

There are four types of prescriptions which are generally received by the retail drug store:

(a) Prescription in general practice

(b) Private prescriptions

(C) Hospital prescriptions meant for 'out patients'.

(d) Hospital prescriptions meant for 'in patients'.

A typical modern prescription is given below -: 


Following precautions should be taken while dispensing a prescription

(1) Always keep the prescription before you. Take the prescription with you while taking out the medicine from the shelf. It will serve as a constant reminder of the name and strength of the preparation required and help to avoid mistakes.

(2) Always check the dispensing balance before weighing the ingredients which are required during dispensing.

(3) Replace containers of stock preparations or drugs in their proper position after use.

(4) Keep the label in upper position during weighing solid ingredients especially the potent drugs such as morphine hydrochloride to serve as a constant reminder that the correct drug is being used.

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