Write about Computer Generations.


Computer Generations

First Generation (1940-1956) Vacuum Tubes

The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and were often enormous, taking up entire rooms. They were very expensive to operate and in addition to using a great deal of electricity, the first computers generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause of malfunctions. They relied on machine language, the lowest-level programming language understood by computers, to perform operations. They could only solve one problem at a time, and it could take days or weeks to set-up a new problem Input was based on punched cards and paper tape, and output was displayed on printouts. The UNIVAC and ENIAC computers are examples of first-generation computing devices.


·     Vacuum tubes were the only electronic component available during those days.

·     Vacuum tube technology made possible to make electronic digital computers.

·     These computers could calculate data in millisecond.


·     The computers were very large in size.

·     They consumed a large amount of energy.

·     They were heated very soon due to thousands of vacuum tubes.

·     They were not very reliable.

·     Air conditioning was required.

·     Constant maintenance was required.

·     Non-portable.

·     Costly commercial production.

·     Very slow speed.

·     Limited programming capabilities.

·     Used machine language only.

·     Used magnetic drums which provide very less data storage.


Second Generation (1956-1963) Transistors

The period of second generation was from 1956-1963. In this generation, transistors were used that were cheaper, consumed less power, were more compact in size, more reliable and faster than the first-generation machines made of vacuum tubes. In this generation, magnetic cores were used as the primary memory and magnetic tape and magnetic disks as secondary storage devices. In this generation, assembly language and high-level programming languages like FORTRAN, COBOL were used. The computers used batch processing and multiprogramming operating system.



·     Smaller in size as compared to the first-generation computers.

·     The 2nd generation Computers were more reliable.

·     Used less energy and were not heated.

·     Wider commercial use.

·     Better portability as compared to the first-generation computers.

·     Better speed and could calculate data in microseconds.

·     Used faster peripherals like tape drives, magnetic disks, printer etc.

·     Used Assembly language instead of Machine language.

·     Accuracy was improved.


·     Cooling system was required.

·     Constant maintenance was required.

·     Commercial production was difficult.

·     Only used for specific purposes.

·     Costly and not versatile.

·     Punch cards were used for input.

Third Generation (1964-1971) Integrated Circuits

The period of third generation was from 1965-1971. The computers of third generation used Integrated Circuits (ICs) in place of transistors. A single IC has many transistors, resistors, and capacitors along with the associated circuitry. The IC was invented by Jack Kilby. This development made computers smaller in size, reliable, and efficient. In this generation remote processing, time-sharing, multiprogramming operating system were used. High-level languages (FORTRAN-II TO IV, COBOL, PASCAL PL/1, BASIC, ALGOL-68 etc.) were used during this generation.


·     Smaller in size as compared to previous generations.

·     Used less energy.

·     Produced less heat as compared to the previous two generations of computers.

·     Better speed and could calculate data in nanoseconds.

·     Used fan for heat discharge to prevent damage.

·     Totally general purpose.

·     Could be used for high-level languages.

·     Good storage.

·     Less expensive.

·     Better accuracy.

·     Commercial production increased.

·     Used mouse and keyboard for input.


·     Air conditioning was required.

·     Highly sophisticated technology required for the manufacturing of IC chips.


Fourth Generation (1971-Present) Microprocessors

Fourth generation computers became more powerful, compact, reliable, and affordable which gave rise to Personal Computer (PC) revolution. In this generation, time-sharing, real-time networks, distributed operating system were used. All the high-level languages like C, C++, DBASE etc., were used in this generation.



·     More powerful and reliable than previous generations.

·     Small in size.

·     Fast processing power with less power consumption.

·     Fan for heat discharging and thus to keep cold.

·     No air conditioning required.

·     Totally general purpose.

·     Commercial production.

·     Less need of repair.

·     Cheapest among all generations.

·     All types of High-level languages can be used in this type of computers.


·     The latest technology is required for manufacturing of Microprocessors.


Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond) Artificial Intelligence

The period of fifth generation is 1980-till date. In the fifth generation, VLSI technology became ULSI (Ultra Large-Scale Integration) technology, resulting in the production of microprocessor chips having ten million electronic components.

This generation is based on parallel processing hardware and AI (Artificial Intelligence) software. AI is an emerging branch, which interprets the means and method of making computers think like human beings. All the high-level languages like C and C++, Java, .Net etc. are used in this generation.


AI includes −

·     Robotics

·     Neural Networks

·     Game Playing

·     Development of expert systems to make decisions in real-life situations

·     Natural language understanding and generation

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